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Municipal Building Construction - Wisconsin

WI DOT Rest Areas



Client Name: WI DOT Rest Areas          11 & 12

Location: Portage, Wisconsin

Project Size: (2) 13,500 SF Buildings

Market: Municipal


The municipal construction of Rest Areas 11 and 12 in Wisconsin provides a secure and accessible space for travelers and tourists. Our team constructed two buildings that offer a range of amenities, including restrooms, diaper-changing stations, telephones, picnic areas, drinking water, vending machines, as well as travel and weather information.

Using long-lasting and robust Wisconsin stone and tile, we've ensured that this facility will serve the state for many years to come. The two buildings constructed during this project have become the busiest rest areas in Wisconsin, accommodating over 1,500 visitors daily. As a construction company, our goal is always to create safe and functional spaces that benefit the community, and we're proud to have achieved that with Rest Areas 11 and 12.

Municipal construction Wisconsin rest stop 1
Municipal construction Wisconsin rest stop 2

Project Highlights

  • Both buildings feature Wisconsin stone to support local companies and Wisconsin culture.
  • The buildings have become popular stops for Wisconsin travelers.